Very interesting message from both Veronica and Monty. "What... You mean what a lot of these history books say is WRONG?? How can that be?? You mean THEY have NOT been telling us the whole truth??"
I feel the key point here, via Monty, is to listen and follow inner Higher Guidance. As he states it, "Trust in God [Higher Guidance] to guide you and you will find the strength to do whatever is necessary." so on with the full Monty...
Message from Veronica
I would like to thank all those who emailed me regarding Monty's message about the fact that "IRELAND IS THE KEY THAT WILL UNLOCK EVERYTHING". On the 15th November, I met for the first time, GILAD ATZMON. He has just written a book called THE WANDERING WHO? Gilad was born and grew up in Israel. He was a Jew. Gilad researched Jewish history and found that they do not have any; that there is nothing in Israel to support their claims. He stated on film that their history WAS STOLEN.
I said, yes, it was stolen from Ireland. The Hebrew language is a Sacerdotal Dialect improvised from the Irish language.
The Bible is an Irish book that was altered by British-Roman transcribers. They just changed names: Iesa was changed to Jesus. They created a myth around him that was taken up by the uneducated. They claimed that the Bible was Hebrew. The truth is that these things were taken entirely from the ideals of the Irish Gospels with the nomenclature slightly changed in order to escape detection. Our world has been in Darkness ever since.
To wake-up, to step into the Light of Truth, one has to face the facts and not jump to conclusions that have kept you locked into the control grid ever since. It is so easy to find the truth, if you can just free your minds from whichever control grid you are locked into. Anyone who has looked at my website will see that Monty was born in London to an orthodox Jewish family but from the age of twelve he started to seek the truth. He was, and still is, the most honest of men; a man of honour. His purpose is to show us the truth, and it is that truth that will set us free and allow mankind to live in peace. Surely this is what we are about. The evidence is there. One just has to look for it.
The film of the interview with Gilad can be seen on this site.
It can also be seen on YouTube
Message from Montague on 11 December 2011
It is good to see so many of you searching, looking with clear eyes at all that you had accepted as fact, and finding for yourselves that it was no more than a fairy tale that took off and became "historical fact". Your minds were closed to everything else. You never learned how powerful your minds actually are. When you learn to open your minds, suddenly everything becomes clear. I have never asked anyone to blindly accept what I say. I have always asked that you do your own research, as my wife has had to do. It was not easy for her to accept what I was showing her at first. She followed up every lead and found evidence for herself. If she can do it at her age, then anyone can, if they have the will to do so.
Ask yourselves the question, why would Pope Adrian give Ireland and her people to England to control and to ensure the Irish never find out who they are. What are they frightened of ? Look at The Secret History of the World. Why are your controllers frightened of Ireland finding her truth. It is because all history will change and the truth will become evident. Those who manipulate your world want to keep it as it is, in darkness.
You have a wonderful window of opportunity in 2012 to change everything. It is time to be brave, to follow your instinct and your heart, not your head. Those who falsely took control of your world have no regard for you: you are not one of them, you are there only to serve and fight their wars. You owe it to future generations to make the changes necessary for peace and justice to return. Trust in God to guide you and you will find the strength to do whatever is necessary. Do not wait until you return to Spirit to see clearly what you failed to see when on Earth. Believe me, it is a shock to see that what you had accepted as fact, is total fabrication.
There are honest people stepping forward to share what they have found. Do not dismiss them out of hand. Look for yourselves. People who give of themselves are dismissed and ridiculed by those who try to conceal the truth. Make your own decisions, only after carefully looking at what they have to say. Do not be led like sheep.
We, in Spirit, have plans for 2012. We need enough of you awake to be able to assist us. We need our team on Earth to carry out certain plans with us so as to remove the Dark forever. The energy in your world will be altered completely. This can happen overnight. It just needs certain things to be put in place. We will guide and assist in this. Those who know, will carry out our instructions when the timing is right. This was set in motion when I was still on the Earth plane, though I did not fully understand what it entailed then. On Earth, there is so much to distract you from your path. Much will be done to distract and confuse you also. Fortunately, you are better informed. I was never one for making flowery statements. I prefer to deal in facts. It's too serious a situation to indulge in such frivolities.
Love truth and seek truth in everything. Refuse to "just go with the flow". Look where this has led you. All the great minds of the past are with you, every step of the way. This is a combined effort. We will not fail. This has been in the planning for a long time. We need a team on Earth, willing to work with us. We have this now. When I passed to Spirit, I told Veronica that Everything in her life before she met me was incidental and that she is now doing the work which she came on Earth to do. It was hard for her to grasp this information so shortly after the shock of my sudden and public passing. It took her time to come to terms with it.
Think about the fact that the food you eat, the air you breathe, the medication that is forced on you, is all designed to keep you in your place; totally controlled, serving without question. Everything is planned to keep you under control. One day, you will see all this clearly and will wonder how you ever allowed yourselves to be so mindless and robotic.
Love is what is important in life. It is love that creates the connection for me to complete my work from this side of life. Love opens up your world and it shows you everything in a new and meaningful light.
My dear, try not to work too hard. It is not possible to reply to so many emails. We are grateful for all the support that is so generously given with love to create the harmony needed for transition.
Your adoring, Monty.
Dr. Bradley L. Duell, Ph.D. (Kau'ila)
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