Thanks to Suzy and Verna for emailing this. Click here for a reference. I do not have too much to say here (it's been a lonnng day), but I will note that, even though a part of many of us are "tired" of waiting for the "prosperity funds" (or whatever the h-e-"double-hockey-stick" they actually are (NESARA, and all that)), many others' messages (Matthew, SaLuSa, et al.) point to the same final positive end to that part of the picture.
Keep holding all this in the Light (dammit!)!! (pardon the 'ego-speak' there)
- The dutch news paper article I put in last week slipped thru and 'they' covered it as quickly as possible...
- The guilty are guilty and that's all there is to it and they know who they are, so will you.
- Even the europeans couldn't refrain from mentioning the chinese influence taking place to solve the euro crisis. Goldman Sachs has already been attached to the greek problem...
- Bankers problems will no longer be solved on the backs of the common man again, we're being taken back to real banking.
- Good news; major transactions took place this past week, that has put the ball squarely in our court. And has changed the future of planet earth and her inhabitants.
- People will get something at their frontdoors who aren't even expecting anything...something akin to the old program when Mr Anthony used show up at people's door giving them a check for 1m dollars. The 'fix' has been done for the elderly and the children so they don't fall thru the cracks....again.
- The 20th century behavior ends now.
- Each one will take responsibility for their own existence... The species must grow up find out the world doesn't operate like the fairy tales we were all told, growing up. The curtain is being taken down even as I type.
- This will no longer be about having faith and believing in stuff, you will be provided enough information so you 'know'...just like making hardboiled eggs.

Greetings and Salutations
This is the 'cleanest' version of the lyrics I could find, this is old, no one knows who wrote it [lyrics are below this Poof message. Kp]. Still, I find the lyrics most fitting for today's atmosphere. Just let the words simmer and start connecting the dots.
Momentarily, it will be publicly clear. The dutch news paper article I put in last week slipped thru and 'they' covered it as quickly as possible, til they got it pulled and according to folks in the rafters, the author got a 'visit'...about talking outside of school [link to Dutch article and English translation]. Basically, the man told what was about to happen. Something I was always told to keep to myself and only refer to it by innuendo. Never naming people involved. The guilty are guilty and that's all there is to it and they know who they are, so will you.
Even the europeans couldn't refrain from mentioning the chinese influence taking place to solve the euro crisis. Goldman Sachs has already been attached to the greek problem; "oh what webs we weave, when we practice to deceive". 600t in worthless paper! And the bankers want compensated, I don't think so. Especially when they conspired to create them to get all the money being released into this world. This happened after everyone was backslapping after the brussels mtgs when the rules were being laid down a few years ago and they became utterly aware of the 'global settlements'. Bankers problems will no longer be solved on the backs of the common man again, we're being taken back to real banking. Basel 3 is making them all keep some money in their banks to cover the deals they want to make. They don't like that, but those ar e the new rules of modern banking. The can always quit and let someone honest fill the position. Is that so hard?
Good news; major transactions took place this past week, that has put the ball squarely in our court. And has changed the future of planet earth and her inhabitants. People will get something at their frontdoors who aren't even expecting anything...something akin to the old program when Mr Anthony used show up at people's door giving them a check for 1m dollars. The 'fix' has been done for the elderly and the children so they don't fall thru the cracks....again. The plutocrats will have to work a full week after this, no more 3 day a week work schedules. The owners will be making these ceos work for a living again. Some will be black balled and not be allowed back into the money business again. The 20th century behavior ends now. I understand that's 'hard cheese' for some but it had to end sometime. No need to revert to fear , take the opportunity to sit and reflect on your choices for the future. Blow your nose and clear your head, the utter differences, will take some getting used to, no doubt. Politicians will be confronted with their own choices, and I don't know how many will survive this, I submit there will be some surprises. What will bar attorneys do when there's no courts for them to bring in frivolous law suits?
Each one will take responsibility for their own existence, mothers will be kicking the children out of the nest. The species must grow up find out the world doesn't operate like the fairy tales we were all told, growing up. The curtain is being taken down even as I type. Don't be frustrated, changing the world, didn't happen over night. So much has been fluid as the moment arrived to punch that final button and flush the old down the toilet but never did they stop to cause this all to happen....with out killing anyone. Some were allowed to take their own selves out...but that was their own will clause. Some just couldn't see the world continuing without them being in control of something in it. They would rather 'rule' in hell, than serve in heaven. Stop asking 'why' people do this or not, they do what they do because they can. No harder to figure than that. This will no longer be about having faith and believing in stuff, you will be provided enough information so you 'know'...just like making hardboiled eggs.
As I understand things, that's it for me, the rest(info) will come directly to you via your own television sets or radios, then the internet will kick in. Have fun, enjoy your future and spread the blessings.
Thank you all for paying attention and using your grey matter for more than some way to hold your skull in place, much will be expected of you.
Love and Kisses; 'Poofness'
'not you aussies wondering who poof is.
Here's the song lyrics and YouTube references Poof had in this message.
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