I attach this palm tree to this message. The top of the palm has to leave the ground in order to rise up. To get high.
As I left to go to coffee this morning, seeing the cats resting by my place, like they knew I was leaving, I began feeling a deep sadness. It still has not let up. That feeling has touched into something about leaving, that's for sure.

I don't know all the pieces involved with this, but lots of times when I get this way it's because it's a larger deal than just me. Which is how this seems, but also there are my own individual "pieces" that are in this as well.
I just read a note on my iPhone here, that was an older post, and it said something like, "Relax With the Changes." So that's what I'm doing. I still "sense" the sadness, but it's like "sensing" it from outside of it. Like observing it from above.
There is a major "leaving" taking place, though. That paradigm thing, the old one, the one that's not serving us anymore. Now the new paradigm is kind of like it's reaching down here and pulling us up into it.
"But I liked that old paradigm. It felt comfortable and meant I could stay the same and not have to do anything like move to new places and be a new being. I liked that."
Some may say that. But I know that, for my Self, that stepping out of the old familiar, and up, is a LOT more fun, a LOT more joy-filled, and a LOT Light-er than staying stuck to that old familiar.
And I'm sure those palm fronds way up there, with that view, are loving every minute of not being on the ground anymore!
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