This again is from David's recent article, and is a portion of the text of David's transcript (plus his notes) of the interview of Benjamin Fulford by Sean David Morton on 10-13-11. I feel it is well worth reading this whole transcript, particularly David's notes and comments, which Highlight many things that are occu rring now.
This is much too long for me to post all of it here. You may go directly to David's article here. Also I provided a link at the end.
New Fulford Interview Transcript: Old World Order Nearing Defeat (Part 2 of 2)
by David Wilcock
I found out Monday morning that Fulford had given an interview with Sean David Morton, who had moderated the "Strange Universe" panel I just spoke on in New York.
Since I can transcribe almost as fast as I can listen, I got my fingers working as I tuned in. I popped in my own comments in brackets, with my initials DW:, where appropriate.
There have been three more updates from Fulford since he gave this interview, and I will highlight the most significant points -- but this is still pretty current stuff.
What you are about to read may seem a lot more "mundane" than what I've been discussing -- but I have now given you the greater context through which I view everything I'm seeing, hearing and reading.
Link to Fulford / Morton Interview
http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/archive/Strange-Universe-32k-101311.mp3 target="_blank"
M: He's sold over 500,000 non-fiction books written in Japanese. He has produced a comprehensive catalog in fields ranging from business to Yakuza gangsters to high finance to government corruption.
He is now focused on exposing US manipulation of Japanese politics, media and education through a combination of bribes, murder, brainwashing, et cetera.
His goal is to counter US propaganda and expose the Japanese people to the truth, so that they may free themselves from the colonial yoke and use their five trillion in overseas holdings to end world poverty and save the environment.
He has worked in Japan for Knight-Ridder, the International Financing Review, the Nippon Kizai Shungun English edition, and the South China Morning Post before moving to Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian bureau chief from 1998 to 2005.
His investigative reports pursued scandals in the Japanese government and business world. After leaving Forbes Magazine, he wrote a series of books in Japanese, some of which became bestsellers, and began to be published on the Internet.
In an effort to get more involved, he naturalized to Japan in 2007. As a Japanese citizen, he has now gained popularity on the Internet after he conducted interviews with the reclusive David Rockefeller in November, 2007.
Please welcome my guest to the end of our Strange Universe, Mr. Benjamin Fulford. It is an honor to have you here, sir. Thank you very much.
BF: Well, thanks for calling me on.
M: Let's just open up with this. Give me the big picture. Who currently, right now… there seems to be, and correct me if I'm wrong here, but there seems to be a war going on behind the scenes.
Give me the big picture right now as to which factions and which groups are in control of where?
BF: OK. I think what's happening is that there is a vacuum at the very top of the international financial system.
What I mean by that is there is no agreement on the international financial treaties that govern the financial system right now.
The Bretton Woods mandate for US, France and England expired in 1994, and there has been no consensus about what to do following that.
What you see is Europe and the United States, the G5, are controlled by a cabal of families that are what you could call the royal families and the old banking families.
The names are well known. The Rothschilds, the Warburgs, names like Queen Elizabeth and Queen Beatrix (of the Netherlands).
They have always controlled the issuing of money. They had a secret group they called the Committee of 300 or the Bilderburgers, or whatever, that directed the story the planet went by.
They set up the Cold War as a way to boost the military industry.
They never controlled what was known as the non-aligned nations.
That was a group of 77 countries, including China, India, Indonesia and Yugoslavia, that were angry that the promises made at Bretton Woods were not being kept.
They set up a different system. They pooled together their gold and their treasures and they wanted to have a Marshall Plan to develop Asia and Africa and lift them out of poverty.
They gave the rights to this gold to President Kennedy, and asked him to carry it out.
He issued dollars that were controlled by the US government, not by the privately-owned Federal Reserve Board.
He was assassinated.
Then, President Sukarno [of Indonesia], who was a signatory for the non-aligned nations, was driven out of office.
At that point they illegally took these bonds. This would be Kissinger, David Eisenhower [Rockefeller?], that whole cabal in the US.
You can get a good list of their names by looking at people who are members of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg [meetings].
If they're on all three, you're talking top people. OK?
M: OK. Yes.
B: They set up these esoteric things called trading platforms.
I was confused because I have been a financial journalist for a very long time and you never hear about such things.
When I start talking to people at the BIS, who are right at the very tip-top, they start talking about these things called trading platforms.
Further research showed that what they are is an illegal fraud. That's the system they've been using to take government money and put it into the hands of private oligarchs.
For example, the Kennedy bonds were supposed to be owned by the US government and under the control of Congress and the Treasury Department.
Instead, David Eisenhower [Rockefeller?] has been using them for secret purposes that we are not aware of.
There has been a long investigation into this issue by people who were trying to figure out what was going on ever since Kennedy was assassinated.
The general consensus, what we're seeing in the big picture, is that the fascists who lost WWII were trying to set up a fascist world government.
This would be certain factions in Japan, in the US, in Italy and England and so on. They wanted a government controlled by them.
They very nearly pulled it off. This is what everyone refers to as the New World Order.
But now I've been contacted by a different group. They say they are the people who were responsible for 9/11.
They say they did that deliberately -- to try to cause a revolution in the United States. It set up a process of imploding the US economy and setting the stage for a revolution.
They claim that they are the same group that started the American Revolution, the French Revolution and the Russian revolutions, and that they are anti-aristocrats and anti-people inheriting power. They believe in meritocracy.
This is a group that just popped out recently. They are not associated with the other groups I have contacted, and have contacted me, before this.
[DW: Obviously, I don't need to see 200 of your comments and emails come in to know that almost everyone will have a very strongly negative reaction to this last section – and feel that Fulford is being fooled by the same people in a new disguise here.
As just one of many examples, the Patriot Act "conveniently" came out almost immediately after 9/11, was many hundreds of pages long, and set the blueprint for a fascist takeover of the United States government.
9/11 almost immediately led to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, giving the Rockefeller cartel control of key land and resources in the oil-producing regions of the Middle East.
The bottom line is that Fulford has put out a great deal of accurate information that is very threatening to the Powers that Were.
For that same reason, they will do just about anything to try to get him embroiled in something that doesn't smell right to the common person, so he or she will then disavow everything he says as being disinformation.
In my next interview with him, I intend to explore this area in much more detail, and find out what has compelled him to believe that this new group is not the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing – or at least why he has been open-minded enough not to immediately discount them.
I am surprised Ben hasn't surveyed the available evidence that the French and Russian revolutions, at least, were controlled and instigated by these same Old World Order elements.
The proof was meticulously presented in "New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies" by William T. Still, which is required reading for any serious student of these issues.
Still's book can save a great deal of time and energy from searching across many, many different websites for this sort of information.]
Fulford seemed to deliberately clarify and extend these remarks in the first entry he wrote for his paid blog after doing this show. This one excerpt from October 18th's entry helps clear things up a little more... and it does sound like it's the same people at work here, or at least a vying faction:
The WDS has also been contacted by a group claiming to be the "real illuminati." They say their order was founded by King Solomon and Pythagoras and is opposed to an ancient Satanic cult run by the Royal Families.
Their representative claims this "illuminati" group was behind the French, American and Russian revolutions.
They say their membership consists of 6,000 highly influential individuals who are not part of the old dynastic families (the 13 bloodlines, also called "illuminati bloodlines" by some writers).
It is worth nothing the people from the P2 Freemason lodge in Italy also called themselves "illuminati," even though their leadership consisted of ancient inbred Roman aristocratic families.
We have been able to independently confirm that this individual, who calls himself Alexander Romanoff, is connected to MI6, KGB, the Australian Security Police, Canadian military intelligence and the international drug mafia. We confirmed this through multiple sources including members of all of the above mentioned agencies and groups.
Romanoff says he helped former world chess Champion Bobby Fischer when he was arrested in Japan in 2004. He got Fischer an Icelandic passport to prevent him from being deported to the United States.
Fischer then informed Romanoff he was a "grandmaster of the illuminati." Romanoff also says Fischer told him he was the original mastermind behind the 911 terrorist attack against the US.
The ultimate motive of this attack was to provoke a revolution in the US against royalist control, who they refer to as the "old world order," as opposed to the "new world order," this illuminati group stands for.
Given the use of the phrase "new world order," by bloodline member Bush and his ilk, my advice to this individual was that his group needed to change the name of the regime they plan to set up to something that has fewer negative associations.
Romanoff says his group supports meritocracy, or rule by the most competent, and opposes hereditary rule by inbred families. It is interesting to note that Asian triads and yakuza groups are also opposed to nepotism.
Read more at David's website...
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