halemaumau_explosion_in_lava_lake_160108This apparently has happened three times in the past week, just after the 1-1-16. The last time I was at Kīlauea, on 12-25-15 (well, it might have been the prior trip... anyway...), I strongly sensed that the collapsing of the Halema'ma'u vent, which has gradually occurred over the past 7 years, represented the old foundation (old paradigm) being removed. I'm talking about planet-wide, yes, but particularly here for the islands.

After a 4-28-15 mission to Kīlauea, another explosion took place. I reported that here. Something important was occurring. Then on April, 29, 2015, the lava under the Halema'ma'u floor rose up, and spilled onto the floor, covering part of it (posted here). I felt this was the "laying of a new foundation" for the islands.

However, these latest "explosions", which occurred this past week, which are really collapses of the floor of Halema'ma'u, I feel confirm and validate what I had felt during the last mission to Kīlauea... that the old paradigm foundations of Hawai'i (namely, selling off the land to outsiders, working only for $$, State of Hawaii, etc.) are being removed.

Now if the "old paradigm operators" (the State, corporations that use the land and oceans of Hawaii for profit, etc.) got the message, they would start changing their ways and operate with Aloha `Āina, and they would (perhaps) survive these times of increasing energies on the planet. Most likely, they will not. At some point, they will have to leave, and Hawai'i will be returned to those who will treat her with Aloha `Āina.

The Kingdom of Hawai'i is returning, as the old foundation crumbles (and explodes) away.


VIDEO: Another Explosion At Kilauea Summit Lava Lake

https://youtu.be/cM6ykM8vT5E (be sure to set to Hi-Def)

[Kp note: there was another video at the end which I did not include. Go to original article to view that one.]

HAWAII VOLCANOES NATIONAL PARK, Hawaii – For the third time in six days, a small explosion rocked the summit of Kilauea volcano.

The USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory reports a rockfall on the east rim of the summit vent within the Halemaʻumaʻu Crater triggered a small explosive event at 3:51 a.m. HST on January 8, 2016, littering the rim of the crater with fragments of molten lava.

The event was captured on USGS cameras and can be seen in the video above.

"When large rockfalls impact the lava lake, they trigger explosive events that propel volcanic rock fragments (tephra) upward," scientists wrote on the HVO website. "This morning's event was vigorous enough to hurl incandescent fragments onto the rim of Halemaʻumaʻu Crater, about 110 m (360 ft) above the lava lake surface."

USGS HVO says rockfalls and subsequent explosive events occur with no warning, "and the resulting fragments of hot lava and rocky debris thrown onto the crater rim pose a significant hazard in this area."

The lava lake in Halemaʻumaʻu has been at a relatively high level in recent days. At one point the lava level reached up to 92 feet below the floor of the crater.

"Explosive events like this occur more frequently when the lava lake level is relatively high," HVO scientists said, "as it has been this past week—around 30-35 m (100-115 ft) below the vent rim. Rocks in the vent wall expand as they are heated by the high temperature of the lava lake and become unstable. Sections of these unstable rocks can then collapse into the lava lake."


"The rim of Halemaʻumaʻu Crater was covered in a nearly continuous blanket of tephra following today's early morning rockfall and subsequent explosive event," scientists wrote of the photo abpve. "Tephra is the general term for volcanic rock fragments exploded or carried into the air during an eruption, and can range from dust-size particles to fragments more than 1 m (3.2 ft) in diameter. Two backpacks (in background), which belong to HVO scientists who briefly entered the area to collect tephra samples for laboratory analyses, provide scale for the fragments hurled onto the crater rim this morning."


In this image, HVO points out "you can see what remains of the Halemaʻumaʻu Overlook wooden fence, which has been repeatedly been bombarded by spatter and rock fragments since 2008. The blue bucket attached to the fence is one of HVO's tephra collectors so that lava fragments and rocky debris ejected from the summit vent can be quantified and analyzed."

On January 2, the first of the three events was documented by USGS HVO cameras (video below). On Janury 4, a second rockfall explosion took place.