sott.net_logo_1Found the first one at Jean Haines blog, then found the second at Gives some insight into the whole Paris events business. I felt it was calling to be posted. The second article, in particular, has a plethora (that's fancy word for, "a lot") of references one may check.

Highlights from each are below. My sense is that I will very likely not be posting any more on the Paris false flag anymore. It feels very "draining" to go through articles of analysis like these (although it may be what some need to look at).

SOTT = "Signs of the Times"

Pepe Escobar: Paris terror attacks — who profits? (Pepe Escobar, 11-16-15)

"Up to the very gloomy day when the "soldiers of the Caliphate" hit "the capital of abomination and perversions" - as ISIS/ISIL/Daesh framed its attack on Paris - French President Francois Hollande and his insufferable poseur of a Prime Minister Laurent Fabius were adamant: Assad must go.

"And even the Obama administration - after multiple meetings between Secretary Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov - was correcting its course. That culminated in those pregnant-with-meaning 35 minutes of Obama and Putin face-to-face in a side table at the G-20 in Antalya on Sunday.

"It's the oil, stupid... The good news, as it stands, is that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), covered by Russian air strikes, liberated Kuweyris airbase, not far from Aleppo, while Kurdish peshmerga, covered by US air strikes, liberated Sinjar in Iraq, west of Mosul. So Daesh will face a lot of trouble moving in and out between Mosul and Raqqa. That may signal the way towards Daesh starting to lose oilfields in northeast Syria."

Who benefits from the terror attacks in France? (Nina Beety, 11-18-15)

"Look at what is happening in Syria. Look at the timing. There are no coincidences... The U.S., allies, and ISIS are losing in Syria... The U.S. is losing support from European allies... The U.S. and allies support ISIS... The U.S. and allies want control of pipelines, resources, and the region

"Destabilization and/or installation of puppet dictatorships are important to attain U.S./NATO goals.[10] Igniting ethnic feuds and rivalries and supplying weapons keep people divided, distracted, and killing each other, while the U.S. and coalition members loot the region of resources. The powerful American, UK, French, Turkish, Israeli, Saudi and coalition militaries are more than capable of guarding their own critical infrastructure in the midst of this created chaos. They have no qualms with ignoring national sovereignty and destroying people. General Wesley Clarke stated in 2007, "We're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran."[11] [12]

"NATO's Operation Gladio and the "stay behind armies" have manufactured terror in Europe and elsewhere since the end of World War II. France has been in the crosshairs of the U.S. before, as have many other countries which weren't firm enough vassal states. There were 31 assassination attempts against President De Gaulle which were traced to the United States and NATO.[14] When there is even a whiff of neutrality, Washington sends its hit men.[15]

"It is the responsibility of each person to think and see through the charades and the tragedies, to discern the real shapes hiding in the shadows. It is the obligation of each person to expose these crimes, past and present, and hold all the perpetrators responsible."