It was fascinating for me to see Cobra posting at GoodETxSG's forum. Here are his remarks, at forum posts 752 and 759.
Normally I will not be posting other comments from GoodETxSG's forum thread, but I felt this one was worth adding.
4-6-15 1129:
I would like to express my support to Corey/GoodET. He uses a different choice of words and his perspective might be different from mine, but basically we are speaking about the same thing.
Different verbiage used by different intel sources is important because a certain key word can trigger an awakening in one human and the same word can trigger a suppressed mind-programmed alter reaction in another. Therefore the Light forces are leaking important intel through more sources with as wide spectrum of personalities/writing styles as possible.
Especially I like this quote from Corey:
"There are obviously different sources briefing them than are briefing me directly (Face to Face) on what is currently going on in our Sol System (And Beyond.). We should however focus on the positives and not the negatives to find as much common ground as possible to bring us together. "
If release of critically important intel continues in that positive spirit, many things are possible.
4-6-15 2122:
Yes I am Cobra of 2012 Portal. I will continue to release intel on my blog when appropriate, and may also comment in this forum thread occasionally. It is the most promising forum thread in years.
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