kp_radio_hawaii_header_snip_71Show link:

Talked about (among other things I may have left out):

  • The bold-italic home page issue on the Kp blog... and the message it carried. And how to get it so it appears correctly (just click on the title, and it looks okay).
  • Recent posts, particularly the James Gilliland article, and how the issues he brought up were very pertinent for today.
  • Boundary issues, and dealing with them.
  • Made the point that "Prosperity is within" and how it contrasts with the latest Poofness post.

Audio player
(note: if a commercial comes on at the beginning, just click that speaker looking icon to mute for 30-65 seconds, then unmute.]

MP3 download link:

[Pre-show notes: "Al I can say for sure is that this will cover energies, stuff, and more stuff. Yes, some related to the Cobra, DW, and GoodETxSG data, and likely more related to whatever "they" send me during the show."]