gaiaportal_logo137This message just came out, and it indicates to me that we are in a rapidly accelerating process. When I first read this (as an email), the word "exponential" was "exponentially", so the word posted here appears to be a correction.

In any event, I've often sensed that many of us (Hue-manity) are here to function as "transmitters" of the "Higher incoming Energies" to transmit these to those who may not be ready to fully embrace them (hu-manity).

"Giant beings" could mean the "giant being" within each of us, or perhaps it refers to actual ET types which David Wilcock spoke about in his February presentation.

Not sure about the "prospectus" reference, but here is another definition:

"A formal summary of a proposed venture or project."


High density pulses of Inner Light are fully recognized

High density pulses of Inner Light are fully recognized by Hue-manity groups and this relays directly to hu-manity beings of all types.

Linear pathways have ceased; exponential pathways predominate.

Rapid arisings of transmutative energetics occurs throughout Gaia collective.

Awakenings of giant Beings is noted by all.

Flavors of prospectus are appreciated by all.