This question from Asher leads to some (I believe) excellent and helpful points from GoodETxSG.
[Q] "What are the 3 best things WE CAN DO to aid the sphere beings, and changes we seek to make?"
"Their message of making the changes "Within" yourself in order to greatly affect the World in a Positive Way! "They" have communicated that the more of us that follow this "Message" or "Plan" the more we "Rob" the negative entities of the "Emotional Energy" that they "Vampire" off of us to nourish themselves.
"...as the "Change" occurs in our Sol System and the "Vibratory Energy Raises" the "Entity Attachments" that are attached to so many of us will be "Driven Out Of Our Realm" and flee back to "The Realm They Have Come From".
"SO, TO THE "HIPPY LOVE AND GOLDEN RULE MESSAGE" that the Sphere Beings are trying to get us to focus on. The MORE each of us FOCUS EACH DAY on raising our "Consciousness", becoming more "Service To Others", "Loving" and learn to "Forgive" (Which will nullify much negative Karma)... Once we are able to do this we will begin to rob these beings of this energy. We will begin to "Tip The Scales" in the direction of "LOVE" and away from "FEAR"."
Forum post #645 (4-1-15, 14:46)
[Q] Originally Posted by Asher
Hi Corey,... What are the 3 best things WE CAN DO to aid the sphere beings, and changes we seek to make?
(Corey: I know this sounds simple but I assure you it is the hardest thing you will ever try to attempt. Their message of making the changes "Within" yourself in order to greatly affect the World in a Positive Way! "They" have communicated that the more of us that follow this "Message" or "Plan" the more we "Rob" the negative entities of the "Emotional Energy" that they "Vampire" off of us to nourish themselves. They stated as the "Change" occurs in our Sol System and the "Vibratory Energy Raises" the "Entity Attachments" that are attached to so many of us will be "Driven Out Of Our Realm" and flee back to "The Realm They Have Come From". These "Entity Attachments" that use people as "Hosts" and drive them to act so negatively to cause "Fear", "Hate", and all of the other "Lower Vibratory Emotions" from their emotional victims "Share" share some of the "Loesche Energy" with their "Host" Humans. When these dark entities are "Driven Back To Their Realms" they will leave their former Hosts writhing and withdrawing from their addiction of this "Energy" like Heroin Addicts. These "Entity Attachments" are also present in other Alien Beings and are used as "Tools" by some of these other Alien Beings as control mechanisms against Humanity. This is just one of many dirty secrets of our existence... SO, TO THE "HIPPY LOVE AND GOLDEN RULE MESSAGE" that the Sphere Beings are trying to get us to focus on. The MORE each of us FOCUS EACH DAY on raising our "Consciousness", becoming more "Service To Others", "Loving" and learn to "Forgive" (Which will nullify much negative Karma)... Once we are able to do this we will begin to rob these beings of this energy. We will begin to "Tip The Scales" in the direction of "LOVE" and away from "FEAR". This is not an easy path I assure you. I have been stumbling around like a newborn trying to practice what "They" want me to preach. They have also stated that it is very important to treat our current vessels (Bodies) like temples and to go on a "High Vibrational Diet" and to cut out the weaponized food that is apart of most of our everyday staple... Wow right? Is that all I have to do? It is a tall order for anyone IMHO.)
The reason I ask this is because I constantly hear so many conflicting things in this regard, including:
a. Just meditate - we can do more by our thoughts/intentions via meditation than by physical actions at this time (thoughts/intentions create our holographic reality)
b. Raise Awareness via Physical Actions - start awareness groups, picket for truth disclosure, create Blogs etc
c. Personal Physical Actions - simply take actions in your personal life that reflect a higher knowledge i.e. be the change you want to see in the world (choose to shop only at local businesses, support community groups, support the homeless/hungry, eat organic food)
d. Await a Higher Calling - dont do anything until you feel a strong impulse to do any of the things above as it may not be the 'right time' for you to participate
(Corey: All I can say is see my above statement and really read and try to understand fully what it means. Your list above is not an easy one.)
I know I always struggle because some say that the heavy lifting is being done by the good ET groups etc and that our job is to stand by for now and spring into action once the main changes have occurred by being calm in the face of chaos and providing support and answers to the people most devastated by the revelations of truth that will emerge. Ive also read that us 'starseeds' are doing everything we need to simply by remaining in a positive-minded vibration as the light from us is helping raise the planet's vibration which will in turn raise the vibration of all creatures on the planet when the planet itself ascends and therefore our #1 mission is simply to focus on the planet itself and personally remain in a high vibratory state by avoiding the fear-based thinking and negativity that marks our world today. Then again, I've also read interesting material that due to the System of Duality that we currently exist in, that even meditating for world peace makes NO difference as the more we create peaceful energy, the duality system of the universe naturally balances this energy with an equal dose of negative energy elsewhere in the world. And thus the only way to achieve anything is by BEING it and soon as others choose to BE it also, the outer world will change as a result.
I just know its frustrating to constantly hear the message of "we need to DO more" but then it never seems to accompany REAL, SPECIFIC actions. So I suppose my real question is a matter of the value of BEING vs DOING i.e.:
a. Do I need to DO more or simply BE more?
b. WHAT specific things can I or should I be physically DOING?
I would love some precise, SPECIFIC answers as to the sphere beings opinions on what the average awake person like myself could do in their opinion to assist humanity and their mission. Thanks as always and I appreciate you looking into this for me as I can only assume if I feel this way, others here would be interested in these answers as well.
[GoodETxSG/Corey] My first statement has the bulk of the answers to your questions. I understand people want to have a list of things to do in our normal way of thinking. However "Their Hippy Loving, Follow the Golden Rule" message absolutely will change the world one person at a time. Even if that one person is yourself. We do not have a full understanding of how this vibrational realm operates or the negative and positive entities respond to the changes we make in our vibrational spectrum... We do not have to fully understand it to see the changes occur IMHO.
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