Well, it had to happen... once you reach the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, you're finished. Time to get out. So we'll see what happens with all this. In the meantime, below is the only YouTube video I've found that has the Bibi Netanyahu going to Congress clip on the Daily Show I believe they're referring to.

Abe Foxman Calls on Benjamin Netanyahu To Scrap Speech to GOP
ADL Chief Wants Israel Premier To End 'Circus
By Nathan Guttman
Washington D.C. — As the controversy surrounding Benjamin Netanyahu speech to Congress reaches new heights, one of the Jewish community's top leaders is calling on the Israeli prime minister to stay home.
Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti Defamation League said that the political uproar ignited by Netanyahu's invitation to speak to a joint meeting of Congress makes such a move unhelpful and therefore it should be scrapped.
"It's a tragedy of unintended consequences," Foxman told the Forward, describing how the idea of presenting Israel's view on Iran spiraled out of control, reaching even the Jon Stewart show, a step, Foxman said, that "turned the whole thing into a circus."
Read more: http://forward.com/articles/214320/abe-foxman-calls-on-benjamin-netanyahu-to-scrap-sp/#ixzz3RHgCti9F
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