This is something I heard on the VT Radio show of 2-5-15. Although a lot of Stew Webb's information is put out with a great deal of "fire", I do sense this is a "real" possibility, although I'm seeing it as a remote one.
So I see this as an opportunity to inject (surround with) all of this with Light, which essentially will dissolve even that "remote" possibility. See what action (or non-action) resonates with you to take.
Israeli Military Plotting to kill US President Barack Obama March 3 2015
When Zionist Israeli Psychopath Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits US to speak before Zionist Israeli Controlled AIPAC Bought and Paid for Congress and Senate.
Netanyahu was invited by the Republican speaker of the House, Zionist John Boehner, to address the Congress on March 3, 2015 an invitation Boehner originally described as bipartisan?
Is John Boehner a co-conspirator to the possible murder of the President of the United States of America?

Gordon Duff Senior Editor of Veterans Today released information detailing Israeli's role in the False Flag terrorist plots by the State of Israel in Belgium and one to be in London.
This is a must listen to broadcast on Veterans Today Radio News Reports Stew Webb host February 5, 2015.
Does this mean John Boehner and others in the U.S. Congress and Senate are plotting the Murder of the U.S. President Obama?????
Where is the FBI Director James Comey and the U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder smoking a Crack Pipe?

Veterans Today Radio News Reports
Stew Webb Federal Whistleblower Host
Mondays 6-8 pm Eastern and Thurdays 8-10 pm Eastern
Listen Live by phone 716-748-0112
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Veterans Today Radio (Studio B)
Thursdays 8-10 PM Eastern
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