veterans_today_banner_NEW_52veterans_today_preston_james_banner_24My own personal sense about that question is... Yes. I feel the guys have communicated several messages to both the "dark ones" (e.g., Bushes, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Netanyahu, etc., etc., etc.) and the potential "White Knights" (on silver horses with golden helmets and angel's wings). There is so much information put out with this article that I feel very strongly that some will get a message (to change their course from dark to Light), and some will not. I also sense there are some possible options presented for those potential "White Knights" (on silver horses with golden helmets and angel's wings) to take action.

Of course, who are the "other" potential "White Knights" (on silver horses with golden helmets and angel's wings)? That could very well be any of us, who follows "The Light" (of their own passions and joys), and takes their own actions, whatever those might be. We're all in this together. (and btw, "horses" could also mean "dolphins", "eagles", "condors", etc.).

The two lists mentioned below in the highlights, I feel contain distinct messages to the OCC and the potential "White Knights" (on silver horses with golden helmets and angel's wings).

"We now have the secret Able Danger Report and the AEC Sandia Labs Report which lists all the Perps responsible for planning, deploying and covering up the attack on America on 9-11-01 which was nuclear.

"Are these *WZ/OCC Perps reacting to the quickly diffusing truth of their part in 9-11-01 by staging and deploying diversionary False-flags to draw the attention of the American Masses away from 9-11-01?

"We know that these Perps have become increasingly fearful, although this is covered up by tremendous hubris and a false sense of bravado and also numerous increasingly desperate acts to create distractions and cover and new cause celebres to motivate the masses to believe in their False-narratives and Big Government Lies.

"Overreactions by the 911 Perps enacted as False-Flags, designed to distract the masses away from the truth about 9-11-01 which is being diffused to the Masses by 9-11-01 researchers at the speed of light on the Worldwide Internet.

"Here is a partial list of these covert ops deployed as distraction by the Perps who are Top Kingpins in the Organized Crime Cabal (OCC):... Here is a list of what can go wrong for the Perps if too many of the American Public come to believe that the 9-11-01 attack on America was nuclear and who the specific persons are that did it and how..."


veterans_today_mike_harris_banner_3The Dark Minds of the 911 Conspirators

We now have the names and roles of the 911 Conspirators. A significant number of these men are starting to have substantial worries about being exposed and brought to justice since this truth is rapidly diffusing to the American Masses. The Top Perps are now taking major diversionary actions which include more False-Flags. These reckless actions are actually speeding up the very process of public discovery of who did the Attack on America on 9-11-01 which these Perps are trying desperately to prevent.

By Preston James and Mike Harris

We now have the secret Able Danger Report and the AEC Sandia Labs Report which lists all the Perps responsible for planning, deploying and covering up the attack on America on 9-11-01 which was nuclear.
Read more at VT (they've got all the pictures!!)...
Read more at Kp blog...