More big news reported here. Keeps on comin', baby!!
"The arrest by Germany last week (as reported in this blog) of a US government official carrying billions of dollars in forged US $100 bills destined for the Ukraine has had enormous and ongoing repercussions. The Pentagon contacted this writer to say this was "actionable intelligence."
"...there are clear signs that this Zionazi cancer is being dealt with elsewhere already. There is a G20 meeting going on in Turkey which... is part of a series of meetings aimed at being the equivalent of the 1945 Yalta conference... the implication is that a series of ongoing meetings will herald the biggest changes in international architecture since the end of World War 2... These meetings are discussing a total transformation of the current international architecture including the IMF, the World Bank and the UN.
"The US official arrested by Germany has spilled the beans on exactly how the Zionazis were orchestrating the civil war in the Ukraine.
"Pentagon sources say that already a secret deal has been reached with the Russians, Turks and Iranians that will allow them to take out the regime in Saudi Arabia and force them to pay heavy financial compensation for all the terrorist activities they have sponsored.
"...the plan to take down the Zionazis in the Middle East has already begun with regime change in Yemen. Now the Island nation of Cyprus, a member of the EU, has allowed Russia to open military bases there. These bases will be used by the Russians for their Middle Eastern operations. The Pentagon is doing their bit by supplying the Lebanese army with weapons they need to fight the Israeli-Saudi backed ISIS mercenary army.
"...if [the ZioNazis] think [they] will be able to fool the pentagon or the Russians or the Chinese into fighting each other, think again. We all know the Russians are close allies with the Chinese... Not only are these people no longer being fooled, it also seems the Chinese are learning to use the same sort of trickery the Zionazis use to manipulate public opinion. They staged a plane crash in Taiwan last week that is looking very much like an event that used computer graphics and crisis actors."
Zionazi defeat now inevitable, Pentagon to turn blind eye as Russia, Iran and Turkey take-out Saudi Arabia
Posted by benjamin, February 9, 2015
The defeat of the international Zionazi* crime cabal is now inevitable due to rapidly unfolding events around the world, most notably in the Middle East and the Ukraine. The arrest by Germany last week (as reported in this blog) of a US government official carrying billions of dollars in forged US $100 bills destined for the Ukraine has had enormous and ongoing repercussions. The Pentagon contacted this writer to say this was "actionable intelligence." Hopefully this action will include arrests of all top Zionazis starting with the Bush crime family. We have all waited too long for this to happen already. Remember, Washington D.C. is not actually part of the Republic of the United States of America but is rather a foreign enclave. It is time to remove that cancer from the Republic and restore American independence.
In any case, there are clear signs that this Zionazi cancer is being dealt with elsewhere already.
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