Related to this prior post (MP3s here, video here), David has added a couple of updates.
In addition to David's synchronicities, I also saw one today (below), where I snapped a screen shot of the views at 4:01 PM today, at 22,222. That's never happened before, where I saw 5 of the same number on the blog stats.

The MP3s have been flying off the shelves; last time I checked, 60-70,000 downloads of each part. This was a major event for humanity, in my mind.
This event had record-breaking attendance even for the Conscious Life Expo. It was all pretty mind-blowing.
When I was walking in before the talk started, the line just for my talk literally stretched back through five hallways. I have never seen anything like it.
How they even self-organized well enough to form a line that long, I have no idea -- but it really did happen.
I called for them to let people in at about 7:57, and almost everyone was in by 8:11, when I first grabbed the mic and started talking -- which was remarkably fast.
We had so many people in the room that they actually lined the walls and floors in a horseshoe shape in addition to filling every available seat in the room.
I feel very happy with the quality that I delivered -- and the video has plenty of audience reaction shots, giving it a very nice professional vibe.
This talk was received incredibly well and has created a huge buzz at the Expo. Many people are waiting to see the archived version of the video.
Before the event started, a Livestream pass -- to watch it in real time as it was happening -- could be purchased.
Now, we are waiting for the AV crew to finish post-producing an archived version of the video.
I don't think they ever expected this much demand, so they are all a bit overwhelmed at the moment. I apologize for that. They are working as fast as they can.
Once the video is up, you will be able to watch it whenever you want, within the 10-day period, if you have already purchased it or if you buy it now.
Since there has been confusion around this, we will probably make another new post once we know it is up there and available for you to watch.
The visuals and videos were sensational enough that many people are waiting to grab it once it comes out.
We are sorry about the delay. I thought the archive would be viewable as soon as the event was over, but it does take time to process and upload it.
Not surprisingly, when I came in here to post this update, the hit counter again had a set of repeating digits in it. This is the classic "calling card" of synchronicity that has happened so many times here.
It always just occurs, without any conscious effort... but after all this time it still impresses me:
In the meantime I have to finish production work on tonight's talk on Ascension. This one is not going to be Livestreamed or made available in the video archive but it will still be great.
It feels good to be "back in the saddle." I haven't done an event in a while -- not since October in Sedona -- and I really enjoyed this one.
The new information is coming in fast and furious, and it's always exciting to take what I get and work it into public talks like this. I hope you enjoy it!
I just wrote and posted the above. Then I went back to re-read it -- and once again the hit counter had triple digits.
This was a controversial one -- ending in 666. In sacred numerology this is the number of the masculine.
The idea of 666 being an "Antichrist" number stems from the idea that our current problems stem from the patriarchal, male-dominated society we live in.
It is not that the masculine must be defeated -- it is that it must be integrated with the feminine in order to re-introduce balance.
Here is the email we just got from the streaming service:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: SFTS
Date: Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 5:08 PM
Subject: David Wilcock VOD
To: David Wilcock
Hi David,
The VODs of all of the streamed sessions are now up on The way to get to them is:
1. Log in to
2. After log in, customer is on the player page.
3. Click on the "Archives" button which is located above the Chat Box to the right of the player.
4. A list of VODs will be displayed. Scroll to find the David Wilcock VOD.
I apologize for the confusion and I'll put a VOD page up on the site asap with directions how to find them. Also - the way to purchase the VOD is now through the Archives.
If a person purchased the live stream of your session on Saturday night, there will be a green button on your Archive that reads: "Click to play." If they did not or have not purchased it, the green button will read: "Click to Purchase" and they'll be directed through the PayWall.
I will get a page up with clear instructions for people as soon as possible. If you like, when it's posted, I can send you the link to the page.
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