benjamin_fulford_ottowa_senators_shirt_12The reason I love most of the Ben reports is that he points out the signs of the "cabal" collapsing, and other potentially positive movements on the planet.

"The removal of Pope Maledict and the abdication of a several European royals is now being followed with the removal of key cabal power brokers in the United States.

"The other big sign that it is not business as usual in Washington is the fact the US Congress passed legislation that amounted to a declaration of war against Russia... but this was ignored by both the military and the media. It means the cabal bribed fools in Congress have been removed from any real power.

"...the removal of Zhou was part of an ongoing purge of Maoists. Mao was a cabal stooge who took his orders from Nazionists... The Chinese say that the removal of Zhou, following the removal last year of politburo heavyweight Bo Xilai, is aimed at purging all cabal influence from China's power structure. Zhou was close to the Bush clan, the sources say.

"There have also been some very interesting developments in Japan... we can see that so-called Abenomics is just a giant cabal money laundering operation... Japan is being looted to keep the cabal from bankruptcy... Abe is now being told he will have to resign after the coming election even if his party wins... the new regime will be fundamentally different and the looting of Japan will be stopped, they promise.

"There was also a major geopolitical tectonic plate shift in the Middle East last week when Turkey and Russia announced a gas pipeline would be built through the Black Sea connecting these two countries. There was also a major nuclear power deal... this means... that a NATO member country, with the most powerful military in the Middle East, just broke ranks with the cabal...

"...somebody has given new marching orders to UN head (and cabal stooge) Ban Ki Moon... now saying the UN's new agenda involves "ending poverty, achieving shared prosperity and protecting our planet."... This is exactly what the awakening citizens of the planet have been asking for. It is finally happening."


First the evil Pope, then the dumb Secretary of Defense, now Netanyahu, next the Bush clan

Posted by benjamin, December 9, 2014

The satanic cabal is suffering a series of catastrophic defeats. Like a snowball gradually turning larger, the removal of a few cabalists is now turning into an avalanche of losses for the cabal. The removal of Pope Maledict and the abdication of a several European royals is now being followed with the removal of key cabal power brokers in the United States. Read more...