hawaiian_kingdom_shield_9This impassioned letter from Ali'i Nui Mō'i Edmund K. Silva, Jr., addresses several groups attempting to find a "solution" to "the Hawaiian situation". The letter incorporates several topics, woven elegantly together in such a way that, by itself, it could be used as a summary of the struggles and frustrations and injustices experienced by the Kingdom of Hawai'i and all of its citizens.

This also presents more information about the lineage of Ali'i Nui Mō'i Edmund K. Silva, Jr., and the research which went into it.

I believe this document is one that should be recommended reading for any person interested in knowing what the actual "Hawai'ian situation" encompasses, any current resident of Hawai'i (Hawai'ian blood or not), and every single Hawai'ian bloodline individual, of any age, gender, or "Hawai'ian sovereignty group" alignment. (note: please look beyond any reactions or judgement, that may come up in some, to any "religious" type expressions. I know that all of this beautifully crafted letter has been written from a Higher perspective of the Spirit which is present in us all.)

Below are highlights (as viewed from my own perspective).

"Kauikeaouli [Kamehameha III] knew without doubt that the Hawaiian nation was and is preserved in righteousness, and only the Holy Spirit of God could have told him this. Thus, he did all within his power to preserve these Hawaiian Islands for all perpetuity. At the age of 41, Kauikeaouli died believing his beloved Islands would be safe from harms way.

"In 1893 the Kingdom of Hawai'i was stolen. The 'Nation's Subjects' were torn apart from their roots and forced to live like foreigners in their own lands. They were enslaved and forced to follow the rules of the U.S. Occupier's Constitution, State Statutes' and Federal laws, or face horrific and certain punishment to bring them in compliance with these laws... Queen Lili'uokalani [the last recognized "monarch" of the Kingdom] was forced to live out her life... in a humiliating way. Although stripped of her heritage, she maintained her dignity and died a Queen, believing that someday someone from her bloodline or that of the highest sacred line would restore the Kingdom.

"That day is now...

"...I am the anointed King; I come from the sacred blood lines. Thus, it is my kuleana to stand firm in truth and righteous stewardship to correct the substantial wrongs of ancient and present Hawai'i, and to call upon the Kingdom Nation's people to stand in that same truth... We are a God Blessed Sovereign Nation called the Kingdom of Hawai'i, that's who we are and that is the Truth...

"We also knew nothing of theft, rape, murder or any kind of evil until the Europeans came.. My ancestors lived in joy and peace with each other before evil descended upon them.

"Yet, you want to sell your souls for a few pieces of worthless Silver by spitting on the graves of our brave iwi Kupuna's who stayed strong in opposing the evil that came upon us.

"In 1890, there were 34,436 full blooded Hawaiians;... in 2014, it is estimated there are less than 5,000 full-blooded native Hawaiians left... [and] by the year 2044... not one full blooded Hawaiian will be alive in Hawai`i.

"Yet, you want to create a 'nation within a nation' and be under the rule of those that stole these beautiful islands?

"It is my hope, that we seek the things that unite, so as to overcome the things that divide.

"Ask yourself whether anyone else has stepped forward to serve as Ali'i Nui Mō'i and brought forth a vision and plan [also here] that comprehensively addresses the challenges that face our nation and the world. Ask yourself whether you would enjoy and take pride in realizing that vision and plan.

"The time has come to cease the crooked games that distract us from being who we are and gifting the world with what we have to offer. What has failed is obvious. The time to jettison that worn out model came long ago. I encourage you to have faith in your ability to fulfill the kuleana [sacred path] left to us by our ancestors and to join with me in raising our submerged nation into the bright light of spiritual awareness and earthly compassion. We have much work to do."


Scribd Link: http://www.scribd.com/doc/228692697/Preserved-in-Righteousness


The "Hawai'ian Kingdom" series

  • Introduction: "Maui Connections"
  • Part 1: History: "Hawaii vs. U.S. Imperialism" (goes through 500 years of the history of imperialism to explain why the U.S. has worked so hard to obscure the truth about Hawai'i) (VIDEO)
  • Part 2: History: "Hawai'i -- The King's Speech" (VIDEO)
  • Part 3: Who is this "Ali'i Nui Mo'i Edmund K. Silva, Jr.", King of Hawai'i?
  • Part 4: The Crabbe Letter (Kamana'opono M. Crabbe is CEO of the State of Hawai'i Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA))
  • Part 5: The King's Response to "The Crabbe Letter" (letter to U.S. Secretary of State)
  • Part 6: The King's call for Unity within the Hawai'ian Community
  • Part 7: Ka Hae Hawai`i Aloha o Ke Au Lama... The Beloved Flag of Hawai`i in the Era of Light
  • Part 8: The 'Aloha `Āina Project' and 'Vision and Plan'
  • Part 9: The 'Preserved in Righteousness' Letter to OHA, Kana`iolowalu Commission, and Government Officials
  • Part 10: The Importance of Hawai'i to the Planet


[Note: all "Hawai'ian Kingdom" series posts may be viewed by going to the "Categories" drop-down list at the right of each page and selecting "Hawai'ian Kingdom", or by clicking this link: http://kauilapele.wordpress.com/category/hawaiian-kingdom-2