Comment by dwilcock on June 10, 2014 @ 2:42 am
"There are other things in this update that are very interesting and corroborate what I am hearing. Regarding the impending bankruptcy announcement of the USG, the main thing we are surprised about is why it hasn't already happened.
"The plan for a major new financial agreement is already in place and moving forward. The progress is not always apparent but the mass clean-up of the Vatican financial system this past week [link] is another sign that they are buckling down. And as I said last week, Soros liquidating his Federal Reserve Bank stocks completely is a huge sign."
I had been reading the previous article, hit Refresh and bam — up comes the picture of charred corpses. Good thing this was before breakfast. I was trying to figure out what I was looking at when it first came up.
Now that I've said that, I will go back and read this and give my thoughts. Supposedly the BRICS bank is coming online as of the first of next month. We may very well see some major developments after that happens.
- David
Comment by dwilcock on June 10, 2014 @ 3:02 am
OK… the alleged Van Duyn speech.
I just read it and we have to be careful with this, because to me it sounds like a "straw man", written by someone on the inside, so that it sounds good to people like us who read about this stuff but can then be disproven.
I highly doubt that this speech took place the way it is written. It is possible, but it would be quite a surprise for an opening speech like this to have openly referred to their group as "the Illuminati" repeatedly. Not everyone who goes to Bilderberg meetings is aware of what is really going on… it's just another layer within layers. If a term like the Illuminati was openly aired as if everyone was on the same page, it could trigger laughter or potentially even some walkouts.
There are other things in this update that are very interesting and corroborate what I am hearing. Regarding the impending bankruptcy announcement of the USG, the main thing we are surprised about is why it hasn't already happened.
The plan for a major new financial agreement is already in place and moving forward. The progress is not always apparent but the mass clean-up of the Vatican financial system this past week is another sign that they are buckling down. And as I said last week, Soros liquidating his Federal Reserve Bank stocks completely is a huge sign.
- David
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