tolec_andromeda_council_home_image22I'll preface this by saying that Tolec sent an email tonight about an article he wrote today (this will be article 2). Since this article is also relevant to the second, I will include here, this short portion of his email:

""Update March 28, 2014 - The Importance of this "Critical News Story". It provides a detailed set of reasons, facts & details... why this movement away from debt based, fiat currency... IS RELEVANT... in overall transformation of this 3D world... into a 4D higher dimensional one. Again, I thought you really might appreciate it. AND, I believe it will 'tie together some loose ends'... for many people who don't understand &/or grasp all of the dynamics at play right now... across the globe."


Tolec, March 27, 2014

The following article, "China currency liberalization to be a 'seismic event': Australia", is huge in that: a.) it is one of the first from a major global news media outlet [Reuters] that alludes to the coming change of the 'global reserve currency'... and the continued rise of China as a global financial superpower b.) the source quoted is the - ​Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) Deputy Governor Philip Lowe.

To read, click here: