
Double rainbow formed after Dr. Emoto water healing event in Russia

First of all, thanks to all who participated in this event, from wherever you were on the planet.

Basically, I cannot say what happened at the point of the healing ceremony with Dr. Emoto, which was Kailua Bay. But my own work was in the morning, after Java, and had something to do with preparing the waters of Kailua Bay for the evening ceremony.

Then at 7 PM, I was at our house to participate, overlooking Kealakekua Bay. Here was the story as I described it to a group.

Talking about releases of "old" energy, yesterday (3-10) at 1900 HST (3-11-13, 0500 UTC), Dr. Emoto and company started a World Waters Healing Ceremony at Kailua Bay. MY Guidance was to be here (at the house) and observe from 800 feet above the water at Kealakekua Bay. I was "wishing" for quiet.

Then two of the kitties started fighting. I said "shit" (which actually means, "Spiritual Harvest In Transition") and went over to where I could call the kitty that always gets "attacked". He came over, I started petting him, and just telling him how sorry I was and how I just did not know what to do (about his being "attacked"). Then I started crying. And crying.

I felt a major release.

But this was more than just about "kitty" fighting. It was a deep sadness being released. A sadness over what has been done to this planet, and the waters of this planet. It was very deep... and had to come out.

So the kitties (Koa (means, "warrior") and Kunu (the "attacked" one) led the way... For me, at least...

Anyway, I feel this event was a key point in healing for this planet.