This has been a very full day with this radio show with Drake and company. The mp3s were not available to me at first, well could not find them, and finally I was contacted by Scott at ThankYouWhiteKnights who told me a video of the show was up on his site. There was another site (The Critical Post) that put up an audio player, but it is not the complete show (thanks to them though for doing their part). However, they do have information about this show from their own perspective.

Also Cobra has posted a bit about this, here. Here is what Cobra wrote:


Drake wants "the people" to vote on a proposal as to how the Dark Cabal/Banking Families need to surrender and on what terms. What is our demands? Options are to have an all-out war of violence in taking out the banking families or should we negotiate with the dark cabal to transition into a peaceful new way of freedom.

Do you (the people) want all-out war? If so the Civilian Military will be fighting the mercenaries and loyalist of the Dark Cabal/Bankers. Many of both sides of the fight would be dead or wounded. Both sides want to transition without war or violence. A proposal needs to be written so that a peaceful transition can occur.

More here:

I will post an official statement from the Resistance Movement about this as soon as I gather intel, which will be in the next 12 hours or so.

P.S. You can listen to the Drake's show here:

Please listen to the show first, and THEN make comments to my post.

KP: So I'll be processing this to mp3s later. But for now, the information will get out this way.