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 |  | Important Stories and More from PC Magazine By Dan Costa | | |
HP Kills TouchPad, Support for WebOS Devices HP killed its Touchpad Tablet last night. And the Palm Pre smartphone. And pretty much the entire nascent WebOS ecosystem. Sure they could find a buyer for the platform, but I doubt they will. If HP couldn't make it work, no one else is going to step up. It is just tragic. Let me know if you feel the same in the comment section. ADVERTISEMENT  | HP To Quit the PC Business But HP still makes PCs, right? Nah. HP is one of the most venerable and respected names in the PC business, but it is quitting. Just like IBM did year ago, HP is looking to dump its PC business for higher margin businesses, think services and consulting. Evidently, there just isn't enough money in actually making stuff anymore. Even if those things are state-of-the-art computers. The 12 Biggest PC Duds Ever We're all familiar with the most successful personal computers-- the IBM PC, the Apple Macintosh, the Commodore 64--but what about the other side of the coin? In the 30 years since the IBM PC was introduced there have been dozens, if not hundreds, of models that arrived with great fanfare only to tank at the marketplace. These are the redundant, the shameful, the stupid. These are the duds. How to Turn Your All in One PC into a TV When you're figuring out how to get your favorite TV shows in your dorm room, chances are your desktop isn't the first option to come to mind. Sure, you're used to watching YouTube video and the like on a PC, but your favorite TV shows? Not really. But we're about to change all that. Great Back to School Tech Deals The Back to school season is well under way and we have the latest deals from Logic Buy. From an $800 quad core desktop to a $53 Swissgear backpack, we have all your back to school needs met. Don't have a kid? Buy something anyway, for the economy. Games aren't too long, they're too boring Don't give Matt Murray any bunk about games being too long to finish these days. It isn't that they are too long, he posits, it is that game developers have gotten lazy and insist on throwing level after level of derivative action--or non-action-- at players. Check out his column on ExtremeTech and see if you agree.  | SUBSCRIBE TO PC MAGAZINE DIGITAL TODAY! Subscribe to PC Magazine Digital today for as little as $1.50 a copy and enjoy the convenience and immediate delivery of digital. PC Magazine is America’s #1 technology magazine, delivering authoritative, lab-based comparative reviews of technology products and services. | Dan Costa Editor-in-Chief, PCMag.com Twitter: @dancosta eNewsletter Information You are subscribed to What's New Now with the e-mail address gracesukauralderman@gmail.com. Click here to unsubscribe from this newsletter. To subscribe to other e-mail newsletters from Ziff Davis, change your delivery format from HTML to text, or change your email address, click here.
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