August 20, 2011 |
Dear Beading Daily Subscriber, Did you miss any Beading Daily e-newsletters this week? Well here’s our week in review—all of this week’s Beading Daily posts in one place! Bead Happy! Beaded Leaves Make Perfect Autumn Jewelry! August 15, 2011 Autumn is, without a doubt, my favorite season. I love the warm days and the cool nights, the smell of freshly made apple cider and the amazing colors that we see on the mountains here in upstate New York. And, of course, I can remember when I first started beading how thrilled I was when I discovered how to use leaf beads and even make leafy fringe in my beading projects! There's just something about seeing beaded leaves that brings back wonderful memories: pressing bright fall leaves and making bookmarks with my sister when we were kids, time spent walking in the woods with my husband when we first met and watching my son delight in the crunch of leaves underfoot for the first time last fall. Read More . . . Two Ways to Start Your Bead Crochet Ropes August 17, 2011 Making bead crochet ropes was one of those things that I struggled with mightily until I had one of those "a-ha!" moments. Lucky for me, my mom was an expert knit and crochet artist, and even though she lived 2,000 miles away she talked me through a lot of my bead crochet problems over the phone. Then earlier this year I rediscovered how much fun bead crochet ropes are to make, especially when accented by a fabulous handmade ceramic slide like the ones I got from Marsha Hedrick of Amazing Porcelain Fantasies! Read More . . . Learn the Basics of Herringbone Stitch and Beyond for Only Ten Cents! August 19, 2011 Maybe I'm giving away my age, but I can remember when my father brought home our first VCR. I was five years old. It was a huge, unwieldy and noisy contraption that took up the entire bottom shelf of the television cabinet. To insert the video tape, you pushed a button and the carriage popped up into the air so you could slide the tape in, and then you had to practically smash it back down into the player. It had huge buttons that looked like the buttons on our tape recorder, and a little counter that had three numbers on dials to let you know how far into the tape you were. (Does this sound familiar to anyone?) Read More . . . | Jen VanBenschoten is the editor of Beading Daily
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